Tuesday, 12 November 2019

The Children's Post, 12th Nov, 2019

Hello Readers,

Today is the 550th birth anniversary of the first Sikh Guru – Guru Nanak Dev. He was born in the year 1469 in a Hindu family. At a very early age, he refused to tie the sacred thread around his torso as he found it senseless. He believed that the thread would eventually wear out but his connection to God would not. He denounced idol worship and rejected the Hindu caste system.

There are many interesting stories about Guru Nanak Dev Ji. I have enlisted a few here. Read and learn about this great man that once walked on this earth.

Today is also World’s Pneumonia Day. This day was established in 2009 to raise awareness about this disease and promote steps to protect, prevent, and treat the disease. Pneumonia is a kind of lung infection caused by either bacteria, virus, fungi, or parasite. Infection from any of these sources can lead to swelling of lungs and in some cases water retention, leading to blocked air passage and causing respiratory discomfort.

Pneumonia is curable and preventable. Pneumonia vaccine called PCV13 is given to infants as a series of 4 injections at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and 12 months.

Page 1: Read the latest development in the medical instrumentation field. It is a great victory for the Indian industry. Further down the page enjoy reading the news from the arachnid (spiderS) sciences.

Page 2: Read and take inspiration from few interesting stories from the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Page 3: Understand the foundation of Sikhism. Interestingly, the foundation is based on just two words 'Ek Onkaar'.

Page 4: Decode the message to find few lines written jus for you.

Page 5: Enjoy the sports news and a witty cartoon strip from Ankith. Ankith you are really talented. 

Enjoy the edition.

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