Friday, 5 July 2019

The Children's Post, 5th July, 2019

Hello Creators,
Back to school? Happy or sad? Well, no choice! So, let us just smile :)
I read somewhere today that 'it's good to get bored sometimes' You know why?
It is believed that when you get bored, you tend to get creative and find either new sources of entertainment or new ways of doing things, you get innovative. So, its good to get bored!
The hobby that I bring to you today is far  from being boring. It is something that rather gets our creative juices flowing and keeps us engaged with its own beauty, we tend to admire our own work. Its calligraphy; the art of beautiful handwriting on page 2.
On page 1. the lead news of today has a local bias; we are talking of Gurugram rains and the flooded roads. The second news is about the Pakistan Prime Minister's scheduled visit to the United States.
Page 3 has a lovely poem by Samaira Dewan and a new German lesson by Anjas Kaur.
Page 4 has the sports news, an excerpt from a beautiful poem by Dr. Guncha Gupta, a wonderful piece of art by Anhad Singh and the laughter dose of Funny Bunnies by Aakarsh Agarwal.
Enjoy the edition and do share your thoughts with us.

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