Friday, 31 July 2020

The Children's Post, 1st August 2020

Are we really going through the quietest period of history? How was the mysterious Stonehenge built? What’s the BeiDou and how will complete with the GPS? Find out all the answers today. Also, enjoy some lovely artwork by our young readers. Then go onto explore a new country by Praneeth, and try the Saturday quiz . On Page 4, find out if you are a Saturday Champion, try Grandma’s challenge and enjoy a lovely poem .

Happy Saturday!

The Children's Post, 31st July 2020

Dear Rockstars,
Do you know which is the best day? It is TODAY! So, just seize the day, make the most of it!
Thank you for sending the lovely ‘What if’ challenges! Today’s challenge is by Jay Phulmamdikar: What if we had no nose?
Enjoy the edition and have a great weekend. Love,

The Children's Post, 31st July 2020

Dear Rockstars,
Do you know which is the best day? It is TODAY! So, just seize the day, make the most of it!
Thank you for sending the lovely ‘What if’ challenges! Today’s challenge is by Jay Phulmamdikar: What if we had no nose?
Enjoy the edition and have a great weekend. Love,

Thursday, 30 July 2020

The Children's Post, 30th July 2020

Today's edition has:
A. Lead News on the Rafale aircraft coming to India.
B. Why did Australia, Canada, UK, and NZ cancel their extradition treaties with HK? Find out.

On other pages:
1. Sanskrit wisdom
2. Hindi lokokti
3. Tamil proverb
4. Word Magic
5. Veervaar Vijeta announcements
6. Lion Heart by Krisha Oswal
7. Let's Scrabble by Archana Aggarwal
8. British Council puzzle
9. Lockdown pictures shared by Shivani Manivannan and Kanishka Balyan
10.  Veervar Vijeta puzzles: Scrabble, English Vocab, and English Grammar
11. Digital Resource of the week
12. Poem: Happiness by Riya Manwani
13. Poem: Girl on Fire by Vrudhi Jain
14. Art: Yashika Kharb, Anusha Singh, Master Nueo, Koustubh Thakur
15. Family Challenge for this week 
16. Laugh a lot it is by Ishaan Kaila 
17. Bob Mania by Ayush Moitra 
18. Hindi poem for you on Rakhi! 


Nidhi aunty 

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

The Children's Post, 29th July 2020

Hello dear readers,
Page 1- Mars rover Perseverance is ready for launch tomorrow. This is truly exciting.
Energy obtained from nuclear fusion is likely to be safe and clean. The assembly of the world's largest nuclear fusion project started today in Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, in Provence, southern France.
Page 2- Stargazing has become a new found hobby for some of our readers. This is not complete till we have a good telescope. Today, Sunil enlightens you on what you could use as a beginner, and make your star gazing experience worthwhile.
Page 3- The British council page with its activities.
Page 4- Wednesday Champs..Congratulations!Look out for today's riddle and send in your answers soon.
A thoughtful poem on Trees by Nayonika Mathur.
Page 5- Just Imagine by Kavya Kompella.
Our budding artists share some beautiful artwork.
Happy Reading:)

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

रक्षा बंधन Raksha Bandhan Poem in Hindi

रेशम की डोर, सूत का धागा
भैया मेरा ले कर भागा!  
भैया आगे करो कलाई
पहले राखी, फिर मिठाई
आज मुझको नहीं चिढ़ाना
न ही अम्मा को सताना
घर आए हैं मामा देखो
उनसे सारी पारी ले लो!

साफ़ सुथरे कपडे पहन कर
पूजा करने आते हैं
तुम तो मुंह चिढ़ाते भैया
मामा प्यार जताते हैं
अम्मा उनको राखी बांधे तो
मामा का कंठ भर आता है
क्या सबको बड़े हो कर ही
बहन का प्यार याद आता है?

तुम मुझसे मिठाई चुराते हो
पापा बुआ को खिलाते हैं
लगता है कि बड़े हो कर
सब भाई सुधर ही जाते हैं!

- निधि अरोरा

Monday, 27 July 2020

The Children's Post, 27th July 2020

Dear Readers!

Completing 2 years of my association with TCP as both an editor and a reviewer! It has been a splendid journey so far, coming in contact with all the lovely people who are part of this community, one's that we interact with regularly and the ones we reach out to with this small gesture of love that we have to offer.

The news story today brings worrisome news from the arctic islands where unprecedented temperatures have been recorded. In the second news story, the country paid tribute to the heroes of the Kargil war on the occasion of Vijay Diwas.

Pg 2 informs about what are self-sustaining ecosystems called and the steps to build one with at home.

Pg 3 has the most lovely contributions from our readers for the Visual Dictionary.

Pg 4 the new word for the word artist and the Japanese lesson by Anupama aunty.

Pg 5 has the Monday staples - Letter of Positivity, Digital Cyclopaedia, a Limerick in Junior Reading Room, and the Brain Ticker to get your brain running.

pg 6 we have a beautiful tribute to our soldiers from Ayana Shukla, Dreams and Doodles by Gurpreet Kaur and Sudoku Salsa.

Hope you enjoy the edition!

Shivani aunty

Saturday, 25 July 2020

The Children's Post,26th July 2020

Hola Amigos,
Enjoy the edition! Happy Sunday!

- Shruthi Aunty

Friday, 24 July 2020

The Children's Post, 25th July 2020

Dear Readers,
How did India win gold in 2020 for a sporting event that took place in 2018? Which rare animal have wildlife photographers spotted in Kullu? Have you ever felt like Gigiling? Get all the answers today in the newspaper. Then go on to enjoy some lovely artwork by young readers on the theme of wilderness. Explore a brand-new country with Praneeth and try the ultimate Saturday quiz. On Page 4, enjoy a lovely poem, try Grandma’s new challenge and give yourself a pat if you are among the Saturday Champions !

Happy Saturday.

The Children's Post, 24th July 2020

Dear Readers,                                                                                              Observe is the word of the day. Sometimes we learn more by observing rather than by reading about something.     
Here’s this week’s ‘What if’ challenge: What if we had a Genie? I mean how would it be if I had my own,personal Genie? Do you want to create a ‘what if’ challenge? C’mon, here’s your chance to challenge others. Think of a what if challenge and send it to us at                                         Today's feature is a little slow :), it's on a lovely garden creature that leaves a trail behind. Yes, you are right! It is about snails. Read all about them on Page 3.   
The lead news on page 1 is about a marvelous accomplishment by the European Southern Observatory, it has got the first ever images of the sun-like star and its exoplanets. The second news is about the Australian bees and spiral honeycombs constructed by them.                                                         The third news on Page 2 is about a serious contempt of court by a senior lawyer and the steps taken by the Supreme Court of India in response. On this page enjoy the lovely poems by Lakshya, Aksh, and Ranichand for last week's 'what if' challenge.                                                                                          On page 4 there is a crisp book review by Ishaan Kaila and a lovely poem by Samaira Dewan.
On page 5 we continue with the series: Languages of the World by Pravar Mukkala. This week he brings to us the Germanic languages.                           Page 6 is the emotional page. It has the lovely emojis created by Rajlakshmi, Aayesha, Aakarsh, and Aksh. Do check out this week's creativity challenge.     Page 7 has the beautiful artwork sent in by Rajul, Viraj, Charvi, and Aarush. You will laugh out loud with the Funny Bunnies by Aakarsh Agarwal.                       Enjoy the edition and have a lovely weekend ahead!                                          Love,

The Children's Post, 24th July 2020

Dear Readers,                                                                                              Observe is the word of the day. Sometimes we learn more by observing rather than by reading about something.     
Here’s this week’s ‘What if’ challenge: What if we had a Genie? I mean how would it be if I had my own,personal Genie? Do you want to create a ‘what if’ challenge? C’mon, here’s your chance to challenge others. Think of a what if challenge and send it to us at                                         Today's feature is a little slow :), it's on a lovely garden creature that leaves a trail behind. Yes, you are right! It is about snails. Read all about them on Page 3.   
The lead news on page 1 is about a marvelous accomplishment by the European Southern Observatory, it has got the first ever images of the sun-like star and its exoplanets. The second news is about the Australian bees and spiral honeycombs constructed by them.                                                         The third news on Page 2 is about a serious contempt of court by a senior lawyer and the steps taken by the Supreme Court of India in response. On this page enjoy the lovely poems by Lakshya, Aksh, and Ranichand for last week's 'what if' challenge.                                                                                          On page 4 there is a crisp book review by Ishaan Kaila and a lovely poem by Samaira Dewan.
On page 5 we continue with the series: Languages of the World by Pravar Mukkala. This week he brings to us the Germanic languages.                           Page 6 is the emotional page. It has the lovely emojis created by Rajlakshmi, Aayesha, Aakarsh, and Aksh. Do check out this week's creativity challenge.     Page 7 has the beautiful artwork sent in by Rajul, Viraj, Charvi, and Aarush. You will laugh out loud with the Funny Bunnies by Aakarsh Agarwal.                       Enjoy the edition and have a lovely weekend ahead!                                          Love,

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Aayush Yadav's landscape

Aayush Yadav sends us this lovely landscape work of his. Makes you want to sit and stare, doesn't it? I love the sense of peace that this brings.

The Waters are Boiling, or are they? - The Children's Post, 23rd July 2020

I LOVED putting this edition together for you.
The lead story is about pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) designed and built by Indians in India! 
But those are not the only waters that are boiling. The South China Sea is pretty hot too. Why? The second story tells you that. 
The third story is a very thought provoking letter sent to us by our young reader. We promise it will force you to think. 
The fourth news.. I will let you find out! 

Other than that, the edition has: 
A. Hindi lokokti 
B. Sanskrit wisdom 
C. Tamil proverb 
D. Word Magic 
E. Veervar Vijeta announcement (Is your name there?) 
F. Answers to last week's Veervaar Vijeta challenges 
G. Don't know how to play Scrabble? No problem, our expert teacher, Archana mam, will teach you, through our brand new column series - Let's Scrabble! 
H. The British Council page 
I. Today's Veervaar Vijeta challenges 
J. Meme Fest by Khushi Takwale
K. Digital Resource of the Week 
L. Art by Kanchan Milind Kotle 
M. Poem by Abhisikta Pal
N. Art by Swati Jha 
O. Family Challenge by Abhisikta Pal 
P. Laugh a Lot It is by Ishaan Kaila
Q. Hindi poem by Dr. Panna Lal 



Nidhi aunty

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Adarsh Pradhan's 4 point perspective

Sometimes, kids amaze us with their sensitivity and perspicacity. Adarsh Pradhan of Vishwashanti Gurukul School, Loni Kalbhor shares this work. He has called it "4 Point perspective - Women's eye view"
#ArtistsofTCP . What an insightful painting! Congratulations, Adarsh!

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

The Children's Post, 22nd July, 2020

Hello dear readers,
Astrophotography! Did you manage to capture Jupiter and its moons during the opposition. Even Saturn was in opposition this month. To capture images of the celestial bodies, just a little modification is needed. You can actually use your smartphones to get dramatic photos. Sunil Behera tells us tricks on how to do it in the feature today. Turn over to page 2 for some star gazing!
Page 1- Monsoons can be a boon, but for the states in India that are getting flooded because of excessive rainfall, it is disastrous. The main news is an update on the floods in Assam.
UAE launched its first spacecraft to Mars. This is the second news story.
Page 3- The British Council page with its jokes and activities for you.
Page 4- An easy recipe in the flameless cooking section that can be used in sandwichs or as a salad dressing.
Shriya tells us about her wish in her poem.
Congratulations Wednesday Champs! Look out for your names if you guessed it right and had sent in the answer to the riddle in last week's edition.
Let's see if you can crack this week's question. Hurry and mail it to me.
Page 5- A lovely poem by Parthvi.
Beautiful artwork and doodles by our talented readers.
Happy reading:)