Hello dear readers,
Today is International Labour Day. Let's honour and appreciate our hardworking workers today.
Main news today is about Japan's Emperor giving up his throne after 30 long years. Also, a new Vice Chief of the Indian Air Force would be appointed today. Find out who he is?
May is when you know summer has really set in. A lot of festivals are celebrated in India in this month. A Glimpse of a few of them in today's cover story.
Page 3 carries beautiful artwork by Subaina.
Remember to be grateful and thankful for all that you have in life. Vaania describes it aptly in her poem.
Learn numbers all the way from Poland by Nikita.
Page 4 has Mira's Doodle corner with her well depicted art on a beautiful world. Cute little Tara describes JC, her pet dog, in the junior writeup.
Happy Reading:)
Editor- Deepti Chhabra